Your support matters

Make a Donation

Appeal/General Donation
Patrick O'Brien Scholarship Fund

WEC thrives today because there are people willing to support its mission to be an advocate and provide leadership in maintaining, protecting and enhancing the environmental quality of the Town of Washington and the surrounding region. Since 1971, WEC has enjoyed the broad support of many dedicated Directors, Members and Volunteers. We continue to expand our reach and with your support we will be able to meet the challenges we face in the future.

WEC continues to support new initiatives and also maintains momentum on current environmental programs. As our challenges become more complex and our costs continue to rise, we look for greater financial support from new and existing members. We hope present members will consider increasing their level of support and all others who care about the environment will join us as partners in our stewardship in preserving Washington and the surrounding region as the very beautiful and special places they are.

To become a member you can use the "Donate" button (you do not need a PayPal account to donate through this link). Or, mail your donation to: Washington Environmental Council, P.O. Box 283, Washington Depot, CT 06794.

We greatly appreciate your support and generosity in helping WEC to achieve its mission.